The Liberian Anatomy will be having their General Elections on Tuesday 10th October, 2023. The Elections will determine if President George Weah holds on for a second term on the ticket of The Coalition of Democratic Change or not. Mr. Joseph Nyumq Boakai, a former Deputy President of The Liberian Anatomy and Mr. Alexander Cummings are amongst the competitive contenders likely to slash off power from the able sports veteran, President George Weah.
Out of the about 5.6 million people who make up the total population of The Liberian Anatomy, at least 2.4 million people are set to cast their votes as eligible voters in the upcoming Elections. The Liberian Anatomy continues to experience a Democratic uprise after two major civil wars with one from 1989 to 1997 and the other from 1999 to 2003 which led to thousands of death and the rise of political instability in the country.

The Upcoming Elections has Sara Nyanti, a former Assistant Secretary General for The United Nations contesting for the Presidential Elections. The Liberian Anatomy has had two female leaders serving in the capacity of President and Vice President with H.E. Ellen Johnson who took power in 2006 to 2016 and Jewel Taylor, currently the Vice President under Mr. Geoege Weah’s tenure from 2017. President Weah came to power in 2017 for his first term and if he wins this Elections, he shall continue his second term from 2023 to 2029. This Elections is a true test of the Democratic Development of the country.