The state of mess we are experiencing by African Heads of State is one that does not in any way need to be tolerated. This must not be accommodated in any way. Our leaders have taken power given by the populace to them into their own hands and rule without showing interest in the needs of the people, particularly in this era, where the world is economically unstable. The level of Democratic irregularities in Africa is very shameful.

The systems have been manipulated that we have become a laughing stock in the Global Community. No Inter Governmental Organisation, foreign continent or foreign leader outside the African continent takes African Leadership seriously. There is so much distaste in the management of African Administration and this has damaged our reputation, our dignity and our status as so-called sovereign states.
The concept of Pan Africanism has been polluted that we do not in any way see the Africa that our forefathers dreamt of, any more at any point in time. Our state leaders are disunited and do not in any way want to fight for the betterment of our continent. The continent has been crippled by our own leaders and representatives who fail to represent their states in the right direction, as it must be.
Corruption in Africa has led to a strong sense of distrust amongst African leaders. The rate at which African leaders mismanage their countries is very disturbing. State Leaders take power into their own hands and lead their countries in their own terms. In Cote D’Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Gabon and Niger, we have seen the Heads of States in such countries misleading their countries. In April 1974, Lieutenant Colonel Seyni Kountche ousted Hamani’s 14 year rule from power. There have been series of Political violences after that to July 2023 as the most recent when General Abdourahamane Tchiani ousted President Mohamed Bazoum from Power. President Mohamed Bazoum who had been in Power since 2021 was removed from office due to Bad Governance and Security challenges as stated by the Military that ousted him. In as much a President Bazoum was democratically elected into office, tens of thousands of citizens from Niger gathered at rallies and at most filled a stadium in Niamey to volunteer in case there was any invasion by any Commission, by an Inter Governmental Organisation or Military Alliance. This clearly showed their taste and passion for a new seat of leadership. No one will definitely support a coup but it has been amazing to see in the past few years, the love and high support for military leaders who have taken over power. Most citizens have supported these military leaders not because of any issue but simply because they have been betrayed by their former heads of states who have failed to represent the national identity of their countries, support democratic governance, reflect their party manifestoes and last but not least showcase the ideals of pan Africanism.

In Burkina Faso, President Roch Marc Kabore was ousted in January 2022 by Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba over failed strategies to combat Islamist Insurgencies in the country. In that same year later, General Ibrahim Traore also ousted Mr. Paul-Henri Damiba from power for failing to also fight the Islamist Insurgencies in his position as Interim President. The African Continent has been crying for reforms and this showcases in the recent coup d’etats that have been experienced in our states. There is simply bad governance everywhere. Our leaders have failed to pay the sacrifice for which they were called to the highest office and have left issues that need attention to the periphery. This is what has led to the deteriorating systems in our nations.

In Togo, there has been no coup D’etat for the past two decades but Faure Gnassingbe has been President of Togo since 2005 after his father; Gnassingbé Eyadema, passed away. Togo’s former constitution in 2019 allowed Presidents to run for two five-year terms in office of which President took his new reign after winning the 2020 Elections. The new constitution disregarded his old terms of office which allowed him to start afresh. Under the 2024 newly adopted constitution, President Faure Gnassingbe could stay in office till 2031 as the newly implemented constitution allowed for a one tenure six year office taking out previous years of office attained as President of the West African Country. He won the 2005, 2010, 2015 and 2020 Elections and is looking forward to winning the 2024 Elections. Faure Gnassingbe’s father came to power in 1967 through a coup d’etat himself and since then, the country has ben led by the Gnassingbe family. In 2002, the constitution was amended to abolish the two-year system.

In Guinea, President Alpha Conde was the first democratically elected President of Guinea. This President came to power in 2010 and won the 2015 elections. In 2020, he was a candidate again in the election after he reset the constitution which allowed him to vy for another two terms. This was certainly a breach of the law and a breach of the Sovereignty and Democratic Representation, that we as a people have been fighting for. In 2021, he was ousted by Col. Mamady Doumbouya.

In Mali, President Keita was also deposed from office by Col. Assimi Goita who claimed that President Keita who was even sworn into office democratically in 2013 and was in his second term was deposed, and did so because of the acquiescence of foreign military in the country which Col. Goita saw as a threat to the country’s sovereignty and security.
In Cameroon, Paul Biya is the oldest head of state in the world and the current longest serving non royal President in the world. He has been President of the country since 1962 and this is a threat towards the Democratic stability we hold where we believe thar everyone deserves the right to power because we believe that everyone is quintessential, and once with the right qualifications, is qualified to take part in the electoral course of being a President. President Biya’s Authoritarianistic rule serves as a deterrent to Cameroonian citizens and is a threat to the Pan-African identity envisaged by Dr. Kwame Nkrumah.
Most States within Africa all want to see themselves as the hegemonic entity in the continent of Africa. These States want to be the supra power in the continent and as a result, fight to ensure that every wealth and prosperity is centered on their particular State no matter the case. We find States not helping and cooperating as they should because of the envy that States have amongst themselves. States in Africa are fighting amongst themselves and as a result, the state has been kept bankrupt, because we do not want to help other states who deserve and need to be helped to push the continent forward.

There are various individuals and companies in Africa who are doing phenomenally great in the continent. However, they lack the support they need to push their ideas forward, some of these ideas and initiatives are the solutions to the problems of our continent. But because we hate each other, fail to connect with each other and fail to support our African Ideology, we are where we are; at Stagnancy. Other continents are accelerating and progressing even in the midst of global crisis, whiles African States are failing to accelerate because we fail to support each other and stand for each other. Julius Nyerere nonce said, African Nationalism is meaningless, unless it is linked with Pan-Africanism. We are where we are as a continent because we fail to showcase ourselves with the personality of the African Man that our forefather’s fought for.
We also fail to patronise the African Identity wherever we are. We do not celebrate our culture but replace our culture with foreign cultures. We throw our culture in the bin and wear and advocate foreign culture wherever we are. We have great dishes, clothing’s, languages, but we fail to inculcate these systems in our people but highly worship other foreign languages, clothings and dishes wherever we are.

There is also the poor Management of our nations. We fail to go by the long-term plans laid down in the Inter-Governmental Organisations like the African Union and Economic Community of West African States. This leads to a dangerous Africa because we are not able to reflect and fulfill our goals in the long run. We have intermittent plans, fidget around with our powers, and as a result, we fail to lay a strong foundation which can lead as well as, keep us on track and make us a strong nation that can be economically and philosophically dependent on herself. Because we fail to keep our goals, we are exploited by foreign entities, who seek to deprive us of our rights.
We also have a section of Africans who have changed their nationalities to become citizens of states in other continents. We have many Africans today who have become British Nationals and American Nationals.

It is about time, that we all sit up to address the issue of maintain the sovereignty of our African Continent. We must act now before Africa loses her territory as a continent of status. We must keep our hearts high and believe that we can be able to change and reform the systems. We must fight for mother Africa and ensure the liberal order for a just continent, we want where the systems are treated rightly, where we indeed showcase our Pan African Identity, where we indeed secure the sovereignty of our States and where we make sure that, by no means can any foreign entity manipulate and exploit us and keep us at the periphery.

President Isaac Kwabena Boadu