The Israeli Anatomy have fired back with a retaliatory attack following the strike by the Iranian Anatomy in retaliation to Israel’s hit at their embassy in Damascus at Syria.
The attack by the Israelis which took place on 19th April had no damage though on any of Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Anthony Blinken; USA Secretary of State has stated though that, they were not in support or behind the attacks. He has also stated in a G7 meeting that the American Government has been involved heavily in de-escalating the violence.
Israel has also so far not confirmed the act, as one from them. Israel has considered Iran as their worst enemy after their alliance with the proxies in the Middle East and their quest to also demolish Israel.

Both countries had not been involved in direct conflicts until the Israel attack on Iran’s embassy in Syria on April 1st, which have struck direct confrontations happening on 13th April by the Iranians with over 300 missiles fired against the Israelis and on 19th April by the Israelis against the Iranians.