9 min read

When we talk about Chains, what do we mean by Chains? Chains are various kinds of entanglements that people find themselves in, which makes them behave below measure, below confidence, below the required standards of and for living, and below the set standards for a prosperous living in the society. In Africa, a lot of people are currently in Chains as a result of the pains they have heard their forefathers and mothers pass during the Trans-Atlantic Slave Period. However, as President my message to us all is to break the Chains. We choose whether to be in the chains or not. It is a decision. BREAK THE CHAINS!

People can find themselves in chains for wrongdoing such as stealing which may end them in jail. People also may find themselves in chains and may not be in a physical prison, but in prison within their souls, for the wrongdoings, their conscience pricks them of. People also find themselves in chains as a result of various kinds of adverse historical records they see or have heard of their ancestors or immediate relatives pass through.

Let us brood over this quote from General Lusweti which says, “Endeavour to endure the pain so as to endure the untapped potential.” There are gists to learn from every pain in life. We must not keep our minds shut to it. They open our eyes. They do not enslave us. They make us wiser. We have to pay a special attention to standing tall, as Freedom Giants in the middle of the pain, because in it lies our acceleration. During these times are our eyes opened whether in silence or in the open. We have to endure the pain and not to give in to it. We come out as brighter ones and energetic ones, when we endure but not to give in to it or to them.

BREAK THE CHAINS! You are meant to win and not to be a Looser! You are a carrier of Success! You carry it all. You are a Gamechanger. Do not give in to the pains people want to surround you with. When you give in to the pains, you remain in misery and in chains. You are a Freedom Giant! Break the Chains! Pay Special attention to your strengths. That is where your Freedom lies! Break the Chains! Now when you look at this great Model, Khoudia Diop, from Senegal, she is a very beautiful dark skinned lady. I could even marry her if she is not single. But envious people can use her beauty to try and rather cause her in pain. People can use her dark skin colour to mock at her which should be rather be her strength.

Chains get us into depression!! Sometimes, certain people choose to stay in their chains. They choose to love the chains they are in. Such people choose to walk in repression as long as they will enjoy a form of “accommodative treasure” within themselves. Such forms of “accommodative treasures,” does not bring Freedom but enslavement. We did not come to live in enslavement. We came to fulfill our Destinies and in it lies true Freedom. There are a lot of People who have neglected their destinies because they want “immediate Freedom” which will end their lives in woes. A lot of people want to just have their peace in the short run, and as result will do whatever they can to ruin the lives of others, for theIr peace, which rather will lead them in enslavement

Freedom Giants, we must stand tall. We must break the chains. We must stand above the chains. There are various kinds of limitations in the society and we must end these chains. We must end these enslaving acts. We must be Relentless. We must be Relentless no matter how things go, as say to ourselves that we are Freedom Giants, all the time. We must never give in. We must never allow people to use their positions, age, ranks or whatsoever to win as, of our rights. We must roar like lions, fight the battle and God will fome through for us, for the Freedom, we want to see in our societies.

Freedom Giants, we are a Bloc of people who are supposed to come together and cause a shift in the world. A shift from the world filled with enslavement to a world made up Freedom. We are made for more. When we decide to stand in for anything, then anything will work for us. The moment we also imagine anything within our senses, anything just works. But the moment, we decide what we want to imagine with our senses, we begin to decide how productive we want to be.

As Freedom Giants, there are three Elements in life that we must go through. When we go through these elements, they should never be a limitation to our purpose. They moment we respond and submit to these elements, we find ourselves in chains. The first is Repression . The Repression Period is when people try all schemes to bring you down. This is the period when people just want to silence you, because they are wounded in their spirit by your presence. Their woes offends them when they see you. They try everything to bring you down, for being a Masterpiece. During these times, you have to be Relentless . You are only in these rooms for a period. This period is necessary because such injustices reveal to you, who you must walk with for the future. Never be dull, because no matter what, all these unjust people will show up themselves for you to differentiate between the jus and the unjust. The unjust need to show up so you can segmentate the just from the unjust. The Repression period reveals to you, who are your real siblings, mentors and comrades.

The second is the Exile Period. The Exile Perod is the Second Period of Elementary trajectory. This is where you are totally vanquished of your own inheritance. This is where you are fought against and your rights are taken from you. However at these periods in life, you have to be Relentless . You are getting better. Nelson Mandela was in Exile from 1964 when he was taken away from his country. Yaa Asantewaa same in 1901, Dr. Nkrumah in 1966 and all these Nationalists at a point in time, put in exile. Some died there but as President of AFRICAN VOICES INTERNATIONAL, I am here to tell you all that, none of you who remain Relentless and are genuine Freedom Giants shall die in the course of your duty. These old Africanists like Yaa Asantewaa and Dr. Nkrumah who died in Exile, paid the price for our REJUVENATION . Kenneth Kaunda in 1999, had his Citizenship status as Zambian taken away from him, but was given back to him in 2000. Dr. Nkrumah died in Exile in Guinea. Milton Obote of Uganda who gained Independence for Uganda, fled to Kenya and Zambia and died of a Kidney failure in South Africa. During his time in Exile, it is so surprising to note that he was never later forgiven by President Museveni with whom the Ugandan Bush War ensured with, for him to return to the country; Uganda, till his death when he was brought back to his country for burial. However, President Museveni never attended the state funeral.

The second is the Exile Period. The Exile Period is the Second Period of Elementary trajectory. This is where you are totally vanquished of your own inheritance. This is where you are fought against and your rights are taken from you. However at these periods in life, you have to be Relentless . You are getting better. Nelson Mandela was in Exile from 1964 when he was taken away from his country. Yaa Asantewaa same in 1901, Dr. Nkrumah in 1966 and all these Nationalists at a point in time, put in exile. Some died there but as President of AFRICAN VOICES INTERNATIONAL, I am here to tell you all that, none of you who remain Relentless and are genuine Freedom Giants shall die in the course of your duty. These old Africanists like Yaa Asantewaa and Dr. Nkrumah who died in Exile, paid the price for our REJUVENATION . Kenneth Kaunda in 1999, had his Citizenship status as Zambian taken away from him, but was given back to him in 2000. Dr. Nkrumah died in Exile in Guinea. Milton Obote of Uganda who gained Independence for Uganda, fled to Kenya and Zambia and died of a Kidney failure in South Africa. During his time in Exile, it is so surprising to note that he was never later forgiven by President Museveni with whom the Ugandan Bush War ensured with, for him to return to the country; Uganda, till his death when he was brought back to his country for burial. However, President Museveni never attended the state funeral.

We are in our YEAR OF REJUVENATION and in our YEAR OF REJUVENATION , we all need to understand there is a sense of Renaissance for us. We are being birthed into our real selves, and if we have not being able to overcome the Repression Period, The Exile Period and stand tall in our Actualisation Period, then there’s no way, we can become who we are, even if we have passed the Repression and Exile Period . We must stand tall as Freedom Giants in the Actualisation Period . If we want to live as Restored Freedom Giants, then we must be ready to forgive to live in the New Era. If we want to enjoy the Resurgence that the Renaissance brings to us as well as the Restoration, we have in this era, then we must be true Trailblazing Survivors. We must never give up. That is how we can say there is true Rejuvenation. The kind of treatment we give out to everybody determines whether we are in chains or not. If we expect Love, then we must give others to others. The kind of treatment we give out to orphans, widows, victims of oppression will determine the kind of reward we are to receive in our Year of Rejuvenation. We are the result of our actions. If we want a balance, then it is time for us to act.

Freedom Giants, be Relentless. Break the Chains. Stand tall. Do not settle for less. Let us Revolutionize the Global Anatomy. Let us transform the Global Anatomy. Let us make it happen.


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