4 min read

Patience is the process of working indefatigably and waiting for the Revolution to occur, without being obstructed from your purpose. As Freedom Giants, we need to work indefatigably. We have to always work and pioneer great fronts. We must stand tall and keep on moving forward. We need to let the populace understand the meaning of a true Revolution and that is why we must be “Patient.” A lot of Political leaders, Social and Religious are impatient. They do not work hard and expect to be voted in power during their next tenures or accelerated or promoted. These are one of the reasons why most Political Leaders in Africa, particularly in the past decades, have been noted with Coup D’etats and dictatorial tactics, to keep them unlawfully in power.

As Freedom Giants, there are various things that indicate whether we are being patient or not. One thing we must note before is that, every part of the Revolution is quintessential. We must be aware of who we are and what we want. A lot of people are not aware of who they are and therefore go in for anything. As a result, they begin on a particular journey, and crash along the way, because they were on the wrong journey. We at all times must identify what we want, by who we are. When we know what we want, we can get there purposefully. We must always make sure that we do not compromise our standards. Our works must identify who we are and what we want. We must be straight on point.

As Freedom Giants, we must take every part of the process very quintessential. We just dont jump into anything and continue. No, we have to learn to make everything phenomenal by being practical for the whole journey to be worth reminiscing, jubilating over and celebrating. We must learn to take every ingredient of the process very necessary. We must start from the beginning. We must work hard and we will surely enjoy the rejuvenating sound of the Revolution. Patience is not bitter as people say. Patience is always sweet and phenomenal.
We must appreciate nature. We must take wisdom from every scene of Nature’s. We must be proud about our past. We must not hold on to our past. We must be Rejuvenated from the past to carry the message forward. A lot of people pretend not to appreciate the beauty and order of nature. As Freedom Giants, we must appreciate nature, her order and everything that makes up life. We must love ourselves. Let’s appreciate who we are and never be apologetic about that.

As Freedom Giants, we must believe in ourselves. We must believe in who we are and what we stand for. We must not be revocative about how phenomenal we are. We must stand tall at all times. We must cheer ourselves individually forward also. We are phenomenal people. We are unique and different. We are special. We are Freedom Giants! We are from diverse cultures yet we are One~Anatomy.
As Freedom Giants, we must celebrate ourselves. At every time, we must celebrate who we are. We must respect who we are. We must stand tall at all times and show credence to who we are. We must take what we want. We must not be unsure of what we want. We must know what we want and fight for it. We must work hard for it. We must not be influenced or settle for anything. We must keep on standing tall, at every point in time.

Let us keep on revolutionizing the Global Anatomy. Let us be patient. Life is full of many colours. Let us be patient and be appreciative of life, as we continue to roar and fight the battle. The true journey works for herself when we roar and fight the battle for the Freedom the Global Anatomy, needs. Let us be appreciative when we get to the next level. Let us transform the Global Anatomy and change the Global Anatomy in patience, for we are Masterpieces, Changemakers, Revolutionists and Pioneers. We must stand tall at all times. Let us make it happen.


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