Democracy Day is a special pubic holiday annually celebrated by The Nigerian Anatomy to remember the transition from Military to Civilian Rule in 1999. Since 1999, The Nigerian Anatomy has proactively been under civilian rule without any Military interruptions to today.
President Bola Tinubu of The Nigerian Anatomy earlier on today; Monday 12th June 2023, credified the Nigerian Anatomy for preserving their Democracy and urged the Anatomy to jealously guard the Democratic Freedom of their country.
These were a few words taken by The Media Team of AFRICAN VOICES INTERNATIONAL from President Bola Tinubu of The Nigerian Anatomy’s speech.
“We have traversed the dark, thorny path of dictatorship before and those who experienced it can readily testify to the unbridgeable gap between the dignity of freedom and the humiliation and degradation of tyranny. True, rancorous debates, interminable wrangling, ceaseless quarrels, bitter electoral contestations may be perceived by some as unattractive features of democracy. But they also testify to its merit and value.”
“Those who cannot endure and accept the pain of defeat in elections do not deserve the joy of victory when it is their turn to triumph. Above all, those who disagree with the outcome of the elections are taking full advantage of the constitutional provisions to seek redress in court and that is one of the reasons why democracy is still the best form of government invented by man.”
Democracy Day was initially celebrated on May 29th and changed to June 12th on June 6th 2018 by Ex-President Buhari, then the sitting Head of State for The Nigerian Anatomy.
The Nigerian Anatomy gained Independence from Britain on 1st October, 1960. Post that day, The Nigerian Anatomy has experienced so many coups with the first in 15th January, 1966 and then in the same year in July. In 1975, 1976, 1983, 1990 and 1993, there were Coup D’etat in all these Freedom Years in Nigeria. The last coup d’etat was held by Sani Bacha from 1993 to 1998 when he died with General Abdulsalami Alhaji Abubakar taking power from 1998 to 1999. General Abdulsalami Abubakar proactively paved the way for a new Constitution for The Nigerian Anatomy which enabled multiparty Elections which also made President Olusegun Obasanjo win power on May 29th, 1999.