Incumbent President of the Russian Anatomy, President Vladimir Putin has stated that he will vy for the position of Presidency for his country in the upcoming elections slated in March 2024. President Puin has been in Power since May 2012 as Head of the Russian Anatomy.
If President Putin is to vy again for Presidency, this will be his fifth Presidential term. Post President Putin coming to power in 2021, he signed a law which qualified him to run for two more terms, all of six years each. In the 2024 General Elections, four of Ukraine’s annexed regions by Russia will be involved in the Elections. Most International bodies have spoken against the annexation of these regions namely Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson in Ukraine by the Russian Anatomy.
Alexei Navalny, a former political candidate was put behind the bars in August for 19 years on political charges which Mr. Navalny said, these charges were all politically motivated to keep President Putin of the Russian Anatomy who is seen as an authoritarianistic President, in Power, without any checks on him.