At least 400 children from Zimbabwe in 43 buses going to South Africa were intercepted by the Border Management Authority of South Africa on December 2nd 2023, and returned back to Zimbabwe.
These children who were intercepted according to the Border and Management Authority in South Africa were all under the age of eight, and were in a number of buses being taken to South Africa.
Hundred thousands and thousands of adults from The Zimbabwean Anatomy work in South Africa and it is believed that these children were being sent to visit their parents and spend the Christmas holidays with their parents working in South Africa.
South Africa had been battling with cases of illegal migration for some time and therefore it was very necessary that these buses were checked properly especially as it was also very strange to see children from eight years and below, sit in buses without any parental or adult care to South Africa. The Global Freedom Board of AFRICAN VOICES INTERNATIONAL commends the South African Anatomy for taking such a Phenomenal step. We believe this is a step in the right direction to deter people from engaging in human trafficking related issues.